7th Annual LGBT Community Survey New Research Report Released at CommunityMarketingInc.com

7th Annual LGBT Community Survey® report on 30,000 LGBT citizens indicates similarities and differences among the L, the G, the B and the T. Community Market & Insights (CMI) has released its 2013 LGBT Community Survey report. Over 30,000 people from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities participated, representing more than 100 countries. More than 180 LGBT media, events and organizations worldwide partnered with CMI in this year’s study. By attracting large numbers of respondents, CMI is able to look at the many segments within LGBT. Obviously the media consumption, purchasing patterns and motivations of a 25 year old single gay man living in New York City are completely different than those of a lesbian couple in their 60’s living in Sedona, Arizona. The study helps organizations understand how the LGBT community sometimes responds as one voice, or when demographic differences such as gender, age, and geographic residence are far more important...