
Showing posts from August, 2014

Twitter Analytics Now Available For All Of Us

Have you visited yet?  It's an incredible new FREE tool provided by Twitter, allowing us to have a much better idea of how our individual Tweets are performing. The dashboard lets users see how many impressions each tweet has received (how many times users saw the tweet on Twitter), the number of favorites their tweet has received, how many times others have clicked on their profiles, and the number of retweets and replies on a certain tweet. It also shows how many times users engaged with a tweet and what that engagement was. Powerful new tools and analytics to allow us to better MEASURE and MONITOR the performance of social media marketing in 2014.

NAGLREP Presentation by Matt Skallerud: #LGBTBiz

Are you LGBT and in the Real Estate profession?  If so, be sure to check out the upcoming conference in Fort Lauderdale this October 2014: This is the inaugural fall conference of the National Association of Gay & Lesbian Real Estate Professionals, NAGLREP . This event is a one-of-a-kind forum featuring top speakers and industry leaders focused on the LGBT real estate market and the issues that influence and impact service to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender homebuyers and sellers. Their conference brings together leading experts, nationally recognized LGBT personalities, housing and real estate executives and about 400 top-producing LGBT real estate professionals in a brand new forum. The two-day intensive program will feature informative town-hall sessions, tips-filled breakout sessions, keynote speakers and after hours networking functions including their Opening Reception, Cruise Night Out on the Fort Lauderdale Intracoas...